Why California lost 500,000 people over the last 2 years

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Recent data shows that over the last two years, California's population overall lost 500,000 people. Susan Alkayssi has fond m...

February 27, 2023
4:54 AM

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Recent data shows that over the last two years, California's population overall lost 500,000 people. Susan Alkayssi has fond memories growing up in Sacramento. 'We used to go to San Francisco all the time and take trips to Lake Tahoe, enjoy nature up in California, so that was a lot of fun,' she said.  She moved out of state in 2020 and doesn't miss it now that she's gone. 'You know, how they say everything in Texas is larger? It's true," she said. "Everything is larger.

Morgan Rynor